5 CLASSY Summer Dejunking Tips



  1. Toss unnecessary school paperwork and supplies from the past school year: Take the time to go through your kids' school things, including backpacks, bins, and pencil bags. Sort through all the paperwork and supplies, and decide what is worth keeping and what needs to be tossed. This will help declutter and create space for the upcoming school year.

  2. Evaluate your priorities: Use the summer break as an opportunity to tackle tasks you've been putting off, such as clearing out that junk drawer. Break the task into smaller parts, by tackling part of it before your summer day activity; and once you're back home, put back only the necessities and get rid of the rest. Breaking up the task makes it feel less overwhelming and increases the likelihood of checking it off your list!

  3. Establish Drop Zones: With the hustle and bustle of summer activities, it's easy for belongings to end up scattered around the house. Create designated drop zones near entryways where family members can easily leave and find their items. For example, a CLASSY mudroom can be a place to slip off and back on shoes, hang wet towels, and keep track of frequently used items. This helps reduce clutter and makes it easier to find things when you are running out the door!

  4. Organize your closets: Switch out your wardrobe to reflect the summer season. Move your long-sleeved and warmer clothing to the back and bring forward your short-sleeved shirts, tank tops, shorts, skirts, and dresses. Keep frequently used items easily accessible, and consider folding your pants in a way that allows for easy access. This rearrangement helps you quickly find and grab the clothes you need for whatever summer occasion arises

  5. Consider professional help: If you feel overwhelmed or want to maximize your storage space, consider contacting a professional organizing company like Classy Closets. We can help you design a solution that best fits your lifestyle and needs. With our custom cabinetry, hanging solutions, shelving, drawers, and more, you can completely transform your space and life into a more peaceful and organized one! Getting expert assistance can greatly improve the functionality and organization of your spaces, we can help.

By implementing these summer dejunking tips, you can declutter your living spaces, create a more organized environment, and enjoy a refreshing start to the season.

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